Built for the Sun
2. 5 billion years ago we evolved from the Southern Ape and until about 10000 years ago we basically slept under a bush and lived our entire days outside. It was not until 1879 that we had indoor lighting from something other than a fire or candle. From that point on, from the inception of electricity and modern incandescent light, diseases exploded and that continues at a faster rate now. The artificial light cast by lightbulbs plugged into electricity made it so that we could work around the clock and stay up late watching t.v.or working on our computers, playing video games, and clubbing It tore us from the rhythm of our circadian clocks that organize the life in our cells based on the dance of the sun and the earth. We seduced ourselves into believing that we could do whatever we wanted to do, whenever we wanted to with no consequences.
We did not understand how intimately our bodies are tied to the laws of nature, her daily cycles, and to the frequencies of light that shower us from the sun. We are waking up now to begin to move beyond our child like self will and seek a more harmonious relationship with our bodies and their love affair with the earth and sun. We are waking up now to think of others – other people, and the earth itself - beyond the limited sphere of one and its drive to have more for itself, a drive that is never satisfied.